June 12, 2012

Suh-weet 16!

MAY 18th 2012

Today is my first day as an official16 year old! I say officially because ever since the year started I got bored of saying "Yes I'm 15.. but I'll be 16 in __months!"

Yesterday was THE greatest birthday ever. Here I was, receiving birthdays from strangers and good people.. normal birthday at school. Then at lunchtime everyone was doing the normal routine getting lunch while I wait for the lunch line of chaos to calm down by myself and one other person. Then all my friends surrounded the table singing happy birthday on top of their lungs for the whole cafeteria to hear I was SO red.. everyone was cracking up. While they were singing, Rosa, Ness, Angelica, and Sofia got cupcakes, a huge fancy cake (Rosa, of course) Ness brought cupcakes and Angelica had a package of cookies, and to top it off, Vargas got party hats, those blow out horns and got me a balloon then all of my friends gave me a birthday card..
It was just all awesome.
I love you guys.

My Fantastical Summer

Okay, summer for me is amazing.
I'm so spoiled and it's not my fault.
So right now I'm out here in Arizona, swimming almost everyday, Shopping, and all that fun stuff.
I miss my friends, though.. this year I have been close to my friends.. more than ever. Probably because I have been more social? Hmph.
On Thursday, I'm going to Los Angeles, and on Friday, I'm going to..
Did I ever mention that Disneyland is like my second home? Been there over 30 times, no joke. I know all (most) of the Disneyland/California Adventure secrets and I know of the rides and where they are at..
I'm just OBSESSED with Disney. Like, obsessed like, obsessed.
Anyways, so Disneyland, then I'm going home on Sunday and gonna hang out with my friends a lot!
Cause they miss me as much as I miss them.. We are going to have all-nighters and scary movie marathons. :)
Can't wait..
ah, omg
Can't wait..

April 21, 2012

Slimy foods and such.

Today, my mom and sister were outside playing toss-the-football-over-and-over-again and having the time of their lives, working out and drinking protein shakes and powerade. Where was I? On the couch sleeping. Then mom announced, "We.. are going to have a nice family dinner together." You know how they were all working out and all? All healthy stuff and yeah? So guess what out dinner was? Broccoli and mashed potatoes and a slice of pork with shake-n-bake on it. Once I saw it, I immediately thought of what retirement homes or that pale tray they give to patients in hospitals. It was so, plain and sad looking. It tasted slimy. I get that I have been not watching my weight and all, but this is defiantly a punishment. So I'm gonna TRY to watch my weight. ........ lets see how long this last. I give this a week. LOL Or 3 days!
My laptop is so confusing. "Disconnected"
 2 seconds later: "Connected"
minute: "Disconnected"
and so on..
right now I'm listening to No one's gonna love you - Band of Horses
Love it.
Mood: Sick, ill, happy, TIRED.


6 years now, of planning and planning to visit my best friend in NY and failed, I brought it up (seriously doubting it due to many failures) to my mom and she's like yeah, you are old enough to go alone now. It could be your 16th birthday gift! Me: yayIseriouslydoubtitbutIcouldstill havealittlehope. Then it kind of faded (me: "of course.")

Then Alani IM'ed me one day and said, "My mom's getting married in June and we were thinking that you could come to the wedding! Come with your aunt that is also going!" Me: light bulb. My grandma never let me go because she didn't want me to go alone and so the stakes were really low when she said no. Then, as Alani said this, Ding! I called my grandma and she was willing to help! Yay! Then I got my mom to email Alani's mom and things got all on track!

Then, Alani's mother said the best time to go is AFTER the wedding because she thought that it'd be all too hectic. Crazy, busy, stressful. Conflict: After wedding = No going with aunt to NY.

Flashback before the IM chat with Alani: I was in the car with grandma going home after dinner from a restaurant and I overheard her say "new york" and I tuned in the convo. She's all talking about it and all, then she got serious and said, " If your aunt isn't going with you.. Don't speak to me, don't ask for anything, don't talk to me until you are back." Like, very rudely. I was baffled. She's NEVER rude like this.

So, remembering that, I cringed, knowing that if the plan when on, she'd be really mad.
So I kinda gave up. Then my dad and mom teamed up to help me go and my mom & I checked on
the Southwest website everyday and picking the days out.

Later on, we found the two perfect dates to go! So I called my dad and I went over to his house and set up the laptop and opened the southwest website then picked out the days.
Then it was actually happening! He was at the checkout! He was doing all of the super important yet boring stuff of filling in my name and stuff! I was so excited, six freaking years, waiting for this day! Then he paid for it and said, "Well, there you go!" Like it was nothing! I was like seriously open-mouthed. Then I got to my senses and gave my dad the biggest hug. Then I started crying! It was so embarrassing. Poor dad didn't know how to react! But he was glad, because I was really happy and all. I was SO happy.

Alani and I already know that when we see each other we are going to bawl out eyeballs out. I told her ," Man, if I cried just getting the ticket, I'm going to be crazy sobbing when I see you!" I really hope not but I know Alani is going to cry! She cried the last time I saw her!  I was just shocked when I saw her! She totally dropped everything in her hand and ran to me crying.

When I tell me friends about Alani, they are always shocked that we are still close, even after 6 years across the continent. One even told me, honestly, that she would forget someone after a year!

So, yeah! That's my the beginning of the Summer of 2012: Cali goes to the Big Apple! I'm SO Excited! Ah! I could just feel that this summer is going to change everything! It's going to be the best summer I ever had! I even have a countdown on my phone! xD Thinking of creating a blog about my stay in NY.. Hmm, what do you guys think?

When I am going: July 2nd - July 19th

Countdown: 72 days left

Much love,


March 3, 2012

Caution: Confidence Road is still in construction after damage.

  Okay, let's start with rage shall we? Today was the day I was supposed to go to a Photo Competition at Fresno State University. Super awesome right? So I was going through this go-or-not-to-go phase and FREAKED. I was freaking out 'cause Miller said it was going to be very stressful. I'm not good when it goes to stressful things, I lose hair and get pimples. O..K.. tmi. So I prepped myself well last night "it's JUST a workshop, Miranda, It's cool. you'll learn things! It'll be fun!" So I was all excited. I went to bed at NINE and took (half of) a sleeping pill. Set the alarm up for 5 in the morning [my ride there leaves at 6] and everything was ready to go.
  So I slept peacefully, then I opened my eyes and looked at my clock: 6:00am. I just was.. stunned. I was SO upset, I just covered my face and cried. Like, all that awesome prep talk for nothing. I finally stopped crying at 7 and went back to bed. Woke up at 8 and Vargas [my journalism friend that went to the competition] was all like: "I bought you a rice krispe!" I was like, feeling even worse. I freaking love rice krispes. She had a waste a dollar because of my stupid !$#%@^ alarm clock that wasn't loud enough or whatever.
  After, I ended up finishing my book and I felt better and my mom took me out to McDonalds to get the Sausage McMuffin [my extremely bad guity pleasure] and I felt better. Until I get a text from my dad "How is the photo gig?" and I had to tell him that I didn't go. Which got me in the whole puppy in the corner feeling.
  We went to see the Lorax with my sister and my mom's friend's kids and it was nice. I felt better. Like way better. then of course, Miller texted me, "How'd it all go??" and I yet had to tell her I didn't go which made me feel ashamed. 'Cause like, Miller is the reason why I was going anyway. So she was all possibly disappointed in me. Couple hours later, I go on facebook and see that everyone who went got a 1st-2nd place. I just crumpled. I could've been holding that trophy. I saw that the one photographer who went [the photo editor] got first place. So THAT slapped me in the face. I was like, mygod. I was furious I didn't go. I kept replaying scenes in my head from yesterday how Woo was all prepping the photographer up and totally leaving me out. then I kept picturing him getting angry I didn't show, calling me a meathead.
  Then, I pictured them celebrating on Monday. I KNOW they are celebrating. I'm just so.. madsadangryfustrated about this. I'm going to like cry if someone gives me looks and say like "You should've went." "you would've totally won" I'm guessing that they are gonna put it on the morning announcments too. "Congrats to Tokay's yearbook staff.. blahblah" I'm going to put my head down, knowing I would've been there, my name would've been called. Plus my photography teacher is gonna ask how it went and Anne is gonna come in with her stupid newspapers "and here is Miss Hernandez, on the Newspaper! Winning FIRST place in the competition!" All of the class clapping. Cruz is gonna be like "Hey, didn't you go too?" Then there we would've went again.
  I'm not worrying about  the celebration in 6th period [Journalism] cause I'm gonna ditch. Well, check in, but I'm gonna be gone the whole time. I'm gonna go to the counselors, telling them my new schedule. "what are your plans for after high school?" then I'm going to say, " I always believed I was going to college but I'm not sure anymore. They take the smart kids and I'm not smart." Cause I can't even pass the 2nd lowest class of Math, I can't even pass Algebra ONE. After 4 classes, I'm still dumb as a pan. the sad thing is, I TRY really hard, I work out the problems, all confident on a test, then get a freaking 2/ 40 on a test. True Story. 2/40 just proves I'm SO stupid. The most pathetic kid in class got a better score than me. There's just no hope for me. I give up.
I wrote on the test: Why even try if you know you are going to fail?

December 14, 2011

Hey guys.. LONG time no talk.

So, yes, it's been awhile. Due to a lot of drama.. Like a lot... of drama........ a lot. Speaking of Alots... Have you guys ever seen that blog article? It had me LOL and it changed my view on "Alot"  a lot! Haha! After you read my statement of "Alot of Drama" then read the article, you would picture an alot wearing a viking hat or on the red carpet for "drama."

Just a quick update...
Reporting from IA-7

Stay Tuned!

~ Miranda

October 19, 2011

Oh the IRONY!

Have you ever wanted to drop on your knees and lift your arms in agony while yelling "NOOOOO!" ?
That's exactly what happened to me many times.. mostly while I'm photoshopping.. or accidentally posting a status with a spelling error.. HATE that!
So what's up with the "irony" stuff? I would totally share it with you guys but you know.. of course, the person whose the reason that I want to yell "Oh the Irony!" Could possibly read this!
Hate irony.. But I love funny cat photos.

  Haha... Love random cat photos.

This is exactly how I reacted!

Anyways, so I'm in the mood to let out my love feelings about boys... [people reading this: awww, man....I'm going back on Facebook..]
But! I'm not. But wait there's more!! I'm not going to post anymore cat photos! [Dog Lovers: "Hooray!"]

Haha, Hate commercials like that! "BUT WAIT.... There's MORE!" What are they expecting us to do?

TV: Have you ever wanted to eat a PB&J but you hate having two knives out.. Having more dishes?
Viewer: YES! Oh my Gosh! HATE that!
TV: Well Don't worry more! DumInvents present... The DUAL knife! The ultimate ingredient for your recipe of misery! 
Viewer: WOW, Unbelievable! I would have never thought of that! INCREDIBLE!
TV: With this two-sided knife...Now you don't have to wash so many dishes and waste soap and water!  It's good for the emviorment, and your family!
Viewer: Can't handle the wait! Wheres the number?! I HAVE to order this mind-exploding invention!
TV: Call this number below... But hurry! These knifes will sell slowly, so we'll make  fake countdown below the screen to rush you to the phone, making you guys think this amazing offer won't be around for long when really appearing on the TV for MONTHS! So, hurry, Hurry!
Viewer: -scrambles to the phone punching down the number in madness..-
Viewer: -Stops-
Viewer: WHAT?!
TV: If you buy this product now... You'll receive TWO DUALKnives!
TV: Also, a free Napkin!
Viewer: The universe just EXPLODED!
TV: ALSO.... a free random key chain we found in the dumpster behind some Wal-mart!
So HURRY, Hurry!!
Viewer: -gets blinded by awesomeness-

Hope I at least made you chuckle... I made my little brothers and sister giggle. Mission Accomplished!
Haha, I definately had a blast writing this!
Have a Fantastic GoodNight!