October 12, 2011

Do you 'Like' Facebook? I 'Don't'!

It depends. For me, at least. I check Facebook everyday, the moment I wake up. No even kidding. I wake up, get my phone and stare at the 0 Notification box. I rarely get as much notifications s I want... My favorite notifications would me: "________ likes your photo" It makes my day! ^_^
There's manyyyyyyyyyyy..... Ups and Downs on Facebook.. Let me show you the downs my eyes:

LMS for Truth Is
Okay, it should be really: "lms for only positive truths and more about hanging out..which we never do."
It's 100%  true... you all know it. See, if a girl's ex likes it.. she wouldn't go: "Truth is: your the biggest heart smashing desperate jerk I have ever met.. I'm SO glad we broke up cause I knew you cheated on me. Oh and btws, she's cheating on you too, white liar." Like, no. instead they go: "Truth is we dated, you're a nice guy and I'm glad we still talk." Difference? Ha! Very! It's so true. It's VERY awkward if you don't even know a person... we would really go: "Truth is: I only added you because we have 30 mutual friends." But instead we go: "Truth is: I don't really know you but we should talk sometimes."

Love Birds
Ohmygosh, there is nothing more annoying than these guys. "I love you, babe! You mean so much to me and I'll never lose you, sugarmuffin!!" "Oh, I love you too! You're the best guy I have ever met and you mean the world to me! My ooglybear!" Like, it's not bad... but, if every single status is them throwing their gooey love words back and forth, we all know it's annoying. Oh! We all know that one couple that:
______ is now single.
______ is now in a relationship.
______ is now single.
______ is now in a relationship.
______ is now single.
______ is now in a relationship.
______ is now single.
______ is now in a relationship.
MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY. There's a "It's complicated" button there for a reason! Or why even change it if you know you two are getting back together again? It's really annoying.

The Desperate People
Why am I ugly? Why don't guys like me? Is it because my hair is stringy? Why don't I get invited to parties? Do people hate me? Why do you guys hate me? It's becuse I'm ugly, huh? It must be that freckle on my nose. I need a boyfriend. I need a guy to hold me tight. I need a cuddlier. I need a date.
You know what you need? Two things: Confidence.. and a LIFE. Holysmokes.
Some people are just out there using facebook as a therapist. They would put pictures up and ask: Keep? I'm Ugly. So people would go on their photo and comment "Keep! your gorgeous!" We kinda HAVE to say that you know? It's like you comment "EW. Delete!" See the problem? They are fishing for compliments.
You know that reallly annoys the heck out of me? That heavy makeup, boobs spilling out, a so-called diva look (pouty lips..messed up version), and basically no clothes on is "Pretty" nowadays. Girl, go put some clothes on and stop being fake. I hatee girls like that. Girls who just follow every trend in the universe and get plastic surgeries to look "better."

Ladies: THIS is what beauty means:
Beauty: The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.

See, imagine if there was no such thing as make up, hair extensions, trendy fashions.
You would think "Uh, the world would be ugly." No, well, maybe, but here's the thing: People would see the beauty in the inside. Think about it?

What was the topic? Oh, Facebook?


But honestly, there are mean people in the world. Example:
_______ is now in a relationship. [44 dislikes; 5 likes]  <-- LOL THAT, ladies and gentlemen, would be messed.
But! If:
Rebecca Black posted a new music video. [4.5 billion dislikes, 1 likes]

See? ;)
WIHL! ~ Mira

Whose back? I'm back!

Well, I don't know if I'm going to be posting everyday like last time or whatever. But! I really haven't been posting because I'm on fall break........no, I'm not busy, at all. Yeah, I dunno why I don't type on here anyways if I'm not busy. I like going on here when I'm busy! It makes me busy... Like right now, I'm busy.
So, It's currently 1:38 AM right now, I know, crazy. I can't go to sleep when I'm alone :( I'm normally used to it.. but if you, your sister and your mom all sleep on one bed.... You are very used to.. uh.. what's the word..? Occupied. x) But yeah, so here I am....all alone. I'm SUPER tired though. I don't know why I'm on here typing nonsense. Wonder if anybody did read this far! I bet most of them are like "Oh, it's just Miranda rambling nonsense... I'm gonna go back on Facebook." Oh! Speaking of Facebook.... I'm going to do a post about FB. Ha! See, I'm a busy girl! ^_^
Hm, So lately I've been inspired!
Things that Inspired me lately: 
Exhibit one: HelloGiggles!
HelloGiggles is a girl blogging site where these AMAZING girls (various ages) write articles about everything! Like to sour patch kids to chihuahuas in shark costumes. There are also health and beauty articles. My favorite section is the Rants/Raves pages. These girls are hilarious on the Rants page... all about stupid boys to making fun of the Kardashions.. and the Raves are about the new/old things that they are loving. The most recent one I read was about loving Autumn. I can't agree with her more. Autumn is the BEST season ever. Most because of the drizzling, chill weather... but the fall shows and hot chocolate. It's weird.. I always say "Oh my gosh, Fall is hot chocolate season." But, I haven't drank hot chocolate yet! You know what? I'm going to drink hot coco soon. I need to remind myself.
Exhibit two: Breakfast at Tiffany's
So, I heard of this old classic movie out of books and all but when I read an article about Breakfast at Tiffany's... I HAD to watch it. Couple of key points I wanna point out:
  • Once I saw this movie, I immediately fell in love with Audrey Hepburn. She's so funny and SO pretty! and ohmygosh.. I have an extact replica of her amazing sunglasses. No lie. Bought it at the Street Fair, knock off tortoiseshell Ray-Bans. Hey, I don't care if their knockoffs, they are comfy and I know I'm cheap. ;)
  • I want her cat. This nameless cat reminds me of the amazing, lovable, loyal cat I had in my childhood days. I swear, these cats are twins. Orange American tabby cats. Orange tabby cats are the best cats in the whole freaking universe. That poor video of the evil cat on YouTube just kills them. It's bad impression on these cute kitties. It's bad press. Anyways, the nameless cat on the movie is super lovable and super crazy. He's the cat to wake you up in the morning, wait for you when you arrive home, and sits on top of a moose head. 

  • This movie also wants me to steal a Halloween mask...or a goldfish..... Don't ask. ;)

Alright! Well that should be enough weird subjects for right now! ^_^ WIHL!