May 28, 2011

About the Design

Like the background? I created it myself! The butterfly and galaxy behind it... Photoshop!
I love Photoshop... At first it was like reading a dictionary in another language. But with some help with my college friend, Clay... a.k.a Cam.. I was a Photoshop genius!  Haha!
I used a music sheet photograph, wings, butterfly body, google's galaxy photo, a night sky photograph.. then all together = the photo! Pretty cool... Below, This is the actual full photo.
You could click on the photos to enlarge it

Also, This photo was created after... The one below.. (which I created also)
"Trapped Beauty" is the name. Yes yes. ^
Now.. the one that inspired me to make the one above... Is the one below (which I created!)
"Moonlight Dancer" Is the name for this one... Okay.. Last one!
The one that inspired me to make the photo above.. ^ is the one down below...(yes, you guessed it.. the one I also made)

So yes, I get inspired Very easily.. as you know! So That's it! My little gallery of photo manipulation! Hope you enjoyed... i guess! Haha! WIHL!

If I ever created a book... This would be the beginning.

    Everything… Everyone was blurry. Strobe lights created patterns in the mist. Dancing teenagers with masks bobbed their heads to the beat of the music, Feeling the beat’s vibration below their feet. The disco ball’s mirrored squares reflected the scene of the midnight party. I reached down to pour some fruit punch into a cup, then felt, or heard something’s going on. I turned my head towards my instinct and saw a golden mask. I tried to look closer and saw a blonde speeding towards the right of the room. Confused, I looked around to see if anyone else noticed. The party was still going. I set down my cup and pushed my way through the crowd. As I finally got through the blob of teens, I couldn’t find her.
    I looked to the right, seeing a dark narrow hallway. Curiosity overcame me as I stepped into the darkness. I stopped, closed my eyes and listened. I heard muffled screaming. I snuck next to the door and placed my ear against it trying to make out who is in there. I heard a male’s voice, husky and deep, growling. Then I heard high- pitched screaming; should be a female. My heart jumped as a gunshot went out. I gasped loudly then covered my mouth, knowing he must’ve heard me. I heard heavy footsteps come closer to the door and I scrambled to hide behind a large vase. My heart was beating faster as I heard the metal doorknob squeak as it opened. The shadows revealed a tall man wearing a coat, looking around. I was still holding my breath, terrified. He grunted, pulled up his collar to hide the sides of his face and quickly dashed out of the building. Knowing he’s completely gone, I stood up, and stared at the wooden door, daring me to look inside. My breath shakes as I reach for the doorknob. The doorknob’s metal was cold as ice, sending chills down my body. I took a breath and turned the knob, revealing the room with dark secrets to my very eyes. I gasped,
“Oh my God.”

First Day Of Summer / Photography

Yes, it is. It is the glorious, sunshine, happy day... NOT. Well, It's pretty happy..kinda. Nevermind.
The weather outside is gloomy. Grey, cloudy, sprinkling (and pouring.. this town's weathering is on and off.)

Oh! My bad. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miranda Perez. I'm a sophomore at THS. Man, That sounds so good to say! I hated being the baby in classes. Teachers would blame us for everything! Especially Mr.Bui. An old-ish Japanese Earth Science teacher. Which is pretty dumb because freshmen are supposed to take Earth Science. "Stupid Freshmen" "Immature Freshmen!" and so on...
Even my favorite teacher, Mr.Cruz, nagged at us. "You guys are freshmen right? Figures!" 
Boy did I prove them both (Mr.Cruz and Mr.Bui) wrong! Got an A in their classes. 

 Oh, right! Mr.Cruz! He's my photography teacher. Think of an art teacher and he fits the image! Nice clothing.. glasses.. and that chin beard. He's like those teachers who's all chill...but strict if he has to. Like, in the last days of school he let us use our phones and cameras to take photos. Also use the studio! 
 He's also the creator of FotoClub. Which I'm in... of course! FotoClub is amazing. We get open darkroom sessions and field trips. This year, we went to Downtown Lodi and walked around... and pit stopped at A&W. I got the amazingg orange soda float! It was amazing.. like I said. We also went to Yosemite! It was gorgeous.. perfect weather.. not really crowded. It was just beautiful. We went to Yosemite Falls, Mirror Lake... and saw the Bridalveil Falls, Half Dome, El Capitan, and squirrels. Mr. Cruz claimed he saw a bobcat eating a prey! I ate a Lunchables... secretly cause.. Well when you're a high schooler... Lunchables are for little kids! But It was pretty satisfying. I gotta say. 

 There's not really a photography Class.. There's "Intro Photography" & "Advanced Photography."
Intro Photo is learning how to use film, darkroom, techniques, toning, learning about the history of photography. Intro Photo not only unleashes  your talent... but your photographs you take..or your attitude towards the class shows a lot of your personality. I love this class because it changed me. It not only helped me with photography... but to break out of my shell. At first I was super shy.. never spoke to anybody. But then, I opened up, and bam! By the time the year ended.. I made new friends! It's just all-and-all a fantastic class.
 Well I'm going to Write In Here Later... [WIHL] 
~ no longer a freshman, now a sophomore, 