May 28, 2011

About the Design

Like the background? I created it myself! The butterfly and galaxy behind it... Photoshop!
I love Photoshop... At first it was like reading a dictionary in another language. But with some help with my college friend, Clay... a.k.a Cam.. I was a Photoshop genius!  Haha!
I used a music sheet photograph, wings, butterfly body, google's galaxy photo, a night sky photograph.. then all together = the photo! Pretty cool... Below, This is the actual full photo.
You could click on the photos to enlarge it

Also, This photo was created after... The one below.. (which I created also)
"Trapped Beauty" is the name. Yes yes. ^
Now.. the one that inspired me to make the one above... Is the one below (which I created!)
"Moonlight Dancer" Is the name for this one... Okay.. Last one!
The one that inspired me to make the photo above.. ^ is the one down below...(yes, you guessed it.. the one I also made)

So yes, I get inspired Very easily.. as you know! So That's it! My little gallery of photo manipulation! Hope you enjoyed... i guess! Haha! WIHL!

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