May 28, 2011

If I ever created a book... This would be the beginning.

    Everything… Everyone was blurry. Strobe lights created patterns in the mist. Dancing teenagers with masks bobbed their heads to the beat of the music, Feeling the beat’s vibration below their feet. The disco ball’s mirrored squares reflected the scene of the midnight party. I reached down to pour some fruit punch into a cup, then felt, or heard something’s going on. I turned my head towards my instinct and saw a golden mask. I tried to look closer and saw a blonde speeding towards the right of the room. Confused, I looked around to see if anyone else noticed. The party was still going. I set down my cup and pushed my way through the crowd. As I finally got through the blob of teens, I couldn’t find her.
    I looked to the right, seeing a dark narrow hallway. Curiosity overcame me as I stepped into the darkness. I stopped, closed my eyes and listened. I heard muffled screaming. I snuck next to the door and placed my ear against it trying to make out who is in there. I heard a male’s voice, husky and deep, growling. Then I heard high- pitched screaming; should be a female. My heart jumped as a gunshot went out. I gasped loudly then covered my mouth, knowing he must’ve heard me. I heard heavy footsteps come closer to the door and I scrambled to hide behind a large vase. My heart was beating faster as I heard the metal doorknob squeak as it opened. The shadows revealed a tall man wearing a coat, looking around. I was still holding my breath, terrified. He grunted, pulled up his collar to hide the sides of his face and quickly dashed out of the building. Knowing he’s completely gone, I stood up, and stared at the wooden door, daring me to look inside. My breath shakes as I reach for the doorknob. The doorknob’s metal was cold as ice, sending chills down my body. I took a breath and turned the knob, revealing the room with dark secrets to my very eyes. I gasped,
“Oh my God.”

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