April 21, 2012

Slimy foods and such.

Today, my mom and sister were outside playing toss-the-football-over-and-over-again and having the time of their lives, working out and drinking protein shakes and powerade. Where was I? On the couch sleeping. Then mom announced, "We.. are going to have a nice family dinner together." You know how they were all working out and all? All healthy stuff and yeah? So guess what out dinner was? Broccoli and mashed potatoes and a slice of pork with shake-n-bake on it. Once I saw it, I immediately thought of what retirement homes or that pale tray they give to patients in hospitals. It was so, plain and sad looking. It tasted slimy. I get that I have been not watching my weight and all, but this is defiantly a punishment. So I'm gonna TRY to watch my weight. ........ lets see how long this last. I give this a week. LOL Or 3 days!
My laptop is so confusing. "Disconnected"
 2 seconds later: "Connected"
minute: "Disconnected"
and so on..
right now I'm listening to No one's gonna love you - Band of Horses
Love it.
Mood: Sick, ill, happy, TIRED.

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