September 6, 2011

which is most Not so cool? The bomb at my school? Or the fact that this article is 3 weeks behind?!

Alright, so I'm thinking about making this blog a weekly blog so I don't have to go all hating myself whenever I forget to write in here... But anyways...

So, at my high school, there has been an explosion! On the date of: August 19th.

I know it was awhile ago, I was gonna post it in the previous post but I was way too tired..

Anyways, so this kid set off a M-1000, which is equal to a dynamite.. during Late Lunch next to a crowd of people. Unfortunately, I was one of those people. Who happened to be right. there...
Here how it went:
So this day was the last day of spirit week at Tokay.. "Purple and Gold Day!" so I was out and about taking pictures for journalism. These cheerleaders with random hula hoops were screaming their heads off.. "DANCE-OFF!" So of course, I went towards the claustrophobic blob of sweating teenagers circling around the brave and crazy dancers jumping around to the music. It was going on for about the last 15-20 minutes of lunch and I was shooting away. The bell rang and of course, everyone was heading one direction to get to their classes very slowly.. So, being a smart person, I went to the side to go around the herd of buffalo which was, of course, towards the dynamite. Then, BOOM! A huge explosion of smoke rang out. I got hit by pieces of concrete by my eye.. also a huge headache. One kid got deaf, some bloody ears, everyone had ringing ears and headaches. Horrible right? Poor Miranda... I'm kidding! I feel terribly bad for the now-deaf kid... :( My friend, Angelica, said she saw him all confused.. Wow, can't even put in words how scary that would've been.
What trips me out most are the people who supported him. Yes, supported him. Let me tell you what the people said:
[What they say is in Italic]
People shouldn't judge him for what he did! 
He didn't know it would go that far!

OKAY, what did he think would happen? People laugh and shrug it off? Yeah, no.
If he didn't mean for it to go that far...  why would he aim it towards a crowd of 50 people?? WOW
So yes, there's also: " No kid would have the guts to do that! My man!" Gag.
So, apparently... being "cool" means hurting people. Uhm, no.
Here's what other people had to say via Lodi News Sentinel online article:
Ok. Just what EXACTLY did these two bozos THINK was going to happen? A noise loud enough to scare a few people, get a few laughs and a few high fives for their "guts"????? They threw this bomb (because that's really what it is) at a crowd of kids. Whether they "realized" it at the time or not, this is a very serious crime. I can't imagine ANY kid in this day and age who would drop a bomb in a crowd of students and not think there wouldn't be any collateral damage.
I realize that one individual's father stepped forward and wrote a very articulate letter about how this isn't how we have raised our children and I've done stupid things when I was a kid too, etc, but the kid's letter is very telling to me. He didn't really care about anyone else and this second kid, who more than likely manufactured the bomb, sure as heck wasn't going to come forward.
I hope it was worth it.

Oh, these kids got arrested! There was apparently two troublemakers... one who got the bomb and brought it to school and chickened out... the other set it off thinking he had the guts.
Happily [N]ever After.

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