September 6, 2011

Things that make me happy!

  • The E.T. Suite by John Williams : Don't ask...Listen! I always get this happy feeling when the finale comes on!:D
  • Any Disney Animated movie. Growing up with Disney is probably the best thing ever. It's the reason for my happiness and personality! <3
  • My dogs! Buster & Sophie! THE cutest things in the whole wide freaking world. I'll have to post a picture.
  • This blog, I have soo much fun writing in here, even though maybe only 10 people read it.. xD 
  • My friends! Consists of : Ness, Angelica, Amanda, Burgos, Kaila, Haenah, and Brianna. :)
  • Photography! Obviously! 
  • Kittens! Who wouldn't be squealing with "awwhs" whenever you see these cuties?!
  • Reading a romance. Who said a girl couldn't dream??
  • Jim Carrey movies. 
  • Disneyland. OMG, don't get me started! I'll have to write an article on it one of these days!
  • My parents! They are the reason I smile everyday!
  • When people compliment on my photos!! You guys make my YEAR. <3
  • the Nikon D7000.
  • Fantasia 2000
  • Velvet Grill with my girls! 
  • Songs that totally understand me.
  • Roadtrips!
  • MINI Coopers ;)
  • and sooooo many other stuff I'll add on later.. :D

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