August 27, 2011


Okay Okay I lied, " I'll try not to runaway this time" I didn't exactly run away.. I just kept telling myself "I'll blog tomorrow.." tomorrow comes.. "I'll blog tomorrow.." and so on.
But Hey, I didn't come on here to apologize to you.......sorta.

So, I'm a Sophomore now! :D Out of the 4 years... Sophomores are "eh." Freshmen get attention.. Juniors are energetic mini-seniors.. Seniors are really energetic and  they.. ah hard to explain. For me, one look and I'll know what year they are in. It's a little confusing for Sophomores... we either look like Freshmen or Juniors.

So let's fast forward.. First week of school.. on Thursday? [Friday?] I FINALLY got my schedule changed and switched PE into Journalism! Journalism... is amazing. It's fun but serious! Same for Advanced Photo.. Fun but Serious.
But for Journalism.. okay, So my dream job of Photo editor isn't mine this year. A senior Abby took Photo editor, but  hey, I was bummed at first.. being only "Just a photographer and writer." But it's her last year at Tokay and I don't want to ruin it for her. It would be a huge step too. I'd rather learn mostly everything first then I'll be ready to be Photo Editor next year! 
So today I found out that I'm going to cover JV/ Frosh Football! Pretty awesome if you ask me. Even MORE awesome because I actually know one of the coaches and I know the guys on the team.  So it'll be kind of easy for me to find out names and games..etc. And my assigned pages are Foreign Language and P.E. P.E. is so easy super cheesy. Always activities. Foreign Language is going to be a bit harder.. I don't have language due to my art classes. But all of my friends have language.. Just have to ask around I guess.
Oh!! Okay so at Tokay's Club Rush... A event during lunchtime when clubs have sign up booths and some have activities.. anyways, I was sent out to take photos.. and of  course.. out of a hundred.. there's always ONE fantastic photo that stands out.. I can't really describe it here.. but I showed the photo to Woo [If I haven't mentioned.. the adviser/teacher] and he said that it was a winner! So he said we re going to take that photo and enter it into the San Joaquin County Journalism Competition! :D Dude, these winners win BIG. Like a first place won $400 bucks worth of equipment. Also, of course, a plaque/trophies! So I am psyched!
Also... Woo wants my photo to be on This year's FIRST newspaper... FRONT PAGE. Ah! That's like, a really great thing in the journalism world! So I am soooo happy! :D

Ah, dudes, I am soo tired.. It's 12:35am Friday Night. After an exciting week of school.. I can't wait to go to bed! Haha, Do Not Worry about me running away.. I have so much to tell you guys!
WIHL! [write in here later] ~ Perez

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