May 30, 2011

Music and Lifetime Movies.

Music. We all love, right? There's so many genres... Rock, hip hop, metal, classical, country, blues, jazz, gospel.. gospel jazz.. and classical metal... Woah.. wonder if there's such thing? All pretty music while someones screaming their head off.. wait that's screamo right? Oh Well.
What's your favorite type of music?
I'll tell you mine while we're at the subject already..haha.
Classical, country, and soft rock.
Soft Rock as in Coldplay. You guys have to know Coldplay, right? Whether you like them or not.. they are pretty famous. I love Coldplay! I don't even remember the first time I listened to their songs. My dad used to always listen to them. The first song I memorized from them would be "Clocks" or "In my place."
I finally found out their band name years after.* Remember radio? We didn't have iPods yet then. Only CD walk-mans. And the tape cassettes. Oh yeah, we were old school, dudes.  Anyways, if you ever listen to the radio.. sometimes they don't really say the song and artist of the music they just played. Or did they? I probably didn't listen. The point is... I didn't really listen to the talking people on the radio so I didn't know the song names or band name..for a while. *Until My dad put on those VH1 music concerts. I read the name and said "Oh! so that's what they were called! Coldplay.."
Oh if you wondering what those asterisks  [*] were for.. It was for the story I was trying to tell.. 'cause I blammer on about something else while I try to say something..
Anyways! Haha..
Have you ever seen August Rush? It's my all-time favorite movie. It's a must-see for all music lovers.
Here's what it's about:
The story of a charismatic young Irish guitarist and a sheltered young cellist who have a chance encounter one magical night above New York's Washington Square, but are soon torn apart, leaving in their wake an infant, Evan Taylor, orphaned by circumstance. Now performing on the streets of New York and cared for by a mysterious stranger, August uses his remarkable musical talent to seek the parents from whom he was separated at birth. [from IMDb plot summary]
 It may sound boring or weird.. but It's an amazing movie. It has really good music. It's definitely a heartwarming story. The bad things that are holding back the movie or making the movie sound like a sappy cliche movie are the critics. Right now I was researching the movie and critics are harsh! I wanna see you make a better movie yourselves! Geesh! Also the fact it shows on television.....on Lifetime.  Highschoolers, we know Lifetime has all of those dumb movies that you used to watch in Health class. Blech, those movies are sometimes pretty depressing. But they are all the same. Lame C-rated movies.
I'm going to stop there.

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