May 29, 2011

An entry you guys won't care for...about my Dream car.

My dream car would be a MINI Cooper. In Navy Blue!
 Wanted a MINI Cooper ever since I went on that road trip to Los Angeles.. saw a yellow MINI and fell in love! It was the perfect car for me I just knew it! Not the actual color and all.. I don't really like yellow. It's just not my color. Haha!
Another dream car would be  a Toyota Yaris in Blue!
Yes, yes, It's the same car as on the show Psych! (which is my all-time favorite tv show!)
Haha, See? Shawn Spencer and "Bruton Guster" xD He's name is Burton Guster... otherwise known as "Gus." I'll have to explain Psych in one of these entries.. I love the show!

So there you go! My entry that you guys probably have no care for!
"Wow, Miranda. Your dream cars. Fascinating!" [sarcasm.]
I'll WIHL!  
This useless entry was written by a Psych-o, Miranda.

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