September 22, 2011

Lalala.. oh well?

I can't believe I talked about him. In a public blog. That I posted on Facebook. He saw it, I know it... It's going to be SO awkward tomorrow if he did see it. But, he'll need to know. Li,e, I'm not going to tell him in his face! How would it go?  "Hey, I know we broke up a year ago but I still have feelings for you." Uhm, NO. I'll get rejected then I'll have to go through another depressing stage: Classical music, posting stupid, sappy love songs on Facebook, Taylor Swift lyrics that totally understand me.. No way. I'm just going to suck it up and stop waiting for somethings that not going to happen...If he wants me back, he'll tell me. Which is 0.50% chance he will. Unless he's reading this blog post and rethinking the whole thing? (I'm kidding...)  But yeah, tomorrow I'm going to act like nothing happened. What is typed in the blog, stays in the blog. Yeah. That'll do.
Oh, wow. I just forgot to add the previous post.
I still have the corsage he gave me! I remembered smelling the white roses everyday before I went to bed.  Now I look up to the shelf and see the delicate crumpled roses. If I touched them... they could crumple into pieces.. So I just leave them sitting up there next to my prized photography projects.. Haha.
Haha I''m going to go on to a boy-hating topic up next.... Don't want to put it on this post.. Cause I don't hate him.

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