September 12, 2011

In IA-7....

This is Miranda Perez reporting from the room of IA-7, The famous Journalism room! You could just tell it's awesome by looking at the stack of Pepsi sitting over there in the corner. That's right. I'm Team Pepsi. You could also tell it's awesome by looking at this HUGE trophy "2011 - Tokay" for the San Joaquin Valley Scholastic Press Association Yearbook Sweepstakes. Mouthful, right? I had to run back and forth to keep memorizing it. Haha! Of course my inspirational photographer that's going to be famous! (Shoot! She IS famous!) Miss Raquelle Miller totally won two awards from this... SJVSPAYS from her awesomeness. Raquelle if you are reading this: I MISS YOU! Ohmygosh you have no idea how much I LOVE this job. I wouldn't be here without you and I totally thank you for this! :D  Oh! Back to the awesomeness of the journalism room... there's a huge wooden table in the middle... totally graffiti all over. You know what I did? That's right. I added my name! (Like around 3-4 times... LOL) On the wooden table, my signature is right nest to Raquelle's! It says " Miranda H. Perez 'The Youngest!' 2011- ______ " & It has a arrow going to Raquelle's.. " Raquelle Miller is my photo inspiration! " Hahah! 

I think I cherish photo in general WAY too much. There. I admit it! x) Like for this class [journalism] I get superr happy whenever they want to use my photos for the newspaper/yearbook. Or more yet, for the SJVSPAYS! :) Just got the application today! I'm always " Oh my gosh! I'm SO happy! This is awesome. " People look at me like, " Okay Miranda.. we get it. Now shut up." But hey, I can't help it... It's the Press! ;) & In Photo Class, I keep ALL of the test strips. You are supposed to just throw them away. Not me! See, I learn from my mistakes. ;) Even (Mr.) Cruz told me: "Miranda, you are to be one of those weird photo teachers when you get older. " I take that as a huge compliment! Cause I want to be a photo teacher! Weird photo teachers.. or just art teachers in general are awesome. Admit it. 

I just found out that "May is a Photography month" Hahaha, the irony. My birthday is May 18th. 

Ha! Just saw this pin: " I mean but$ine$$ " So true. Journalism is a great money-making career business class. Like, when people when want their photos taken, they pay me to print em. Also, if I win the SJVSPAYS, ka-ching! Plus another award plaque for me! <3 I don't really need money at all. I just lovee ribbons and awards. So far I have 4 awards: 3 ribbons, 1 plaque. Pretty good so far, huh? I think I do a good job. I'm not concieted. I just encourage and surprise myself sometimes! People give me a hard time on that. :( But oh well! It's better than discouraging or hating yourself. "UGH! I Hate this photo! I suck! The world sucks! That flower sucks! Look at that piece of dust that's in the way! #$%@*^$&!! " 

Haha, Hmm... I'm going to start doing a Fact of the Day or Thoughts of the Day! Like weirdd ones. Not kinda lame ones like, Didja know the Declaration of Independnce... you already blanked out, huh? I did.. I was like eh. forget it. too boring to even list as an example!

but like..... for Thoughts of the Day: " Do penguins have knees? " or " Do frogs have butts? "  ~ Credit to my crazy 9th grade English teacher Ms. Hillis and her other Facebook friends!
That's all for now, Folks! 


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