October 12, 2011

Whose back? I'm back!

Well, I don't know if I'm going to be posting everyday like last time or whatever. But! I really haven't been posting because I'm on fall break........no, I'm not busy, at all. Yeah, I dunno why I don't type on here anyways if I'm not busy. I like going on here when I'm busy! It makes me busy... Like right now, I'm busy.
So, It's currently 1:38 AM right now, I know, crazy. I can't go to sleep when I'm alone :( I'm normally used to it.. but if you, your sister and your mom all sleep on one bed.... You are very used to.. uh.. what's the word..? Occupied. x) But yeah, so here I am....all alone. I'm SUPER tired though. I don't know why I'm on here typing nonsense. Wonder if anybody did read this far! I bet most of them are like "Oh, it's just Miranda rambling nonsense... I'm gonna go back on Facebook." Oh! Speaking of Facebook.... I'm going to do a post about FB. Ha! See, I'm a busy girl! ^_^
Hm, So lately I've been inspired!
Things that Inspired me lately: 
Exhibit one: HelloGiggles!
HelloGiggles is a girl blogging site where these AMAZING girls (various ages) write articles about everything! Like to sour patch kids to chihuahuas in shark costumes. There are also health and beauty articles. My favorite section is the Rants/Raves pages. These girls are hilarious on the Rants page... all about stupid boys to making fun of the Kardashions.. and the Raves are about the new/old things that they are loving. The most recent one I read was about loving Autumn. I can't agree with her more. Autumn is the BEST season ever. Most because of the drizzling, chill weather... but the fall shows and hot chocolate. It's weird.. I always say "Oh my gosh, Fall is hot chocolate season." But, I haven't drank hot chocolate yet! You know what? I'm going to drink hot coco soon. I need to remind myself.
Exhibit two: Breakfast at Tiffany's
So, I heard of this old classic movie out of books and all but when I read an article about Breakfast at Tiffany's... I HAD to watch it. Couple of key points I wanna point out:
  • Once I saw this movie, I immediately fell in love with Audrey Hepburn. She's so funny and SO pretty! and ohmygosh.. I have an extact replica of her amazing sunglasses. No lie. Bought it at the Street Fair, knock off tortoiseshell Ray-Bans. Hey, I don't care if their knockoffs, they are comfy and I know I'm cheap. ;)
  • I want her cat. This nameless cat reminds me of the amazing, lovable, loyal cat I had in my childhood days. I swear, these cats are twins. Orange American tabby cats. Orange tabby cats are the best cats in the whole freaking universe. That poor video of the evil cat on YouTube just kills them. It's bad impression on these cute kitties. It's bad press. Anyways, the nameless cat on the movie is super lovable and super crazy. He's the cat to wake you up in the morning, wait for you when you arrive home, and sits on top of a moose head. 

  • This movie also wants me to steal a Halloween mask...or a goldfish..... Don't ask. ;)

Alright! Well that should be enough weird subjects for right now! ^_^ WIHL!

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