June 12, 2012

Suh-weet 16!

MAY 18th 2012

Today is my first day as an official16 year old! I say officially because ever since the year started I got bored of saying "Yes I'm 15.. but I'll be 16 in __months!"

Yesterday was THE greatest birthday ever. Here I was, receiving birthdays from strangers and good people.. normal birthday at school. Then at lunchtime everyone was doing the normal routine getting lunch while I wait for the lunch line of chaos to calm down by myself and one other person. Then all my friends surrounded the table singing happy birthday on top of their lungs for the whole cafeteria to hear I was SO red.. everyone was cracking up. While they were singing, Rosa, Ness, Angelica, and Sofia got cupcakes, a huge fancy cake (Rosa, of course) Ness brought cupcakes and Angelica had a package of cookies, and to top it off, Vargas got party hats, those blow out horns and got me a balloon then all of my friends gave me a birthday card..
It was just all awesome.
I love you guys.

My Fantastical Summer

Okay, summer for me is amazing.
I'm so spoiled and it's not my fault.
So right now I'm out here in Arizona, swimming almost everyday, Shopping, and all that fun stuff.
I miss my friends, though.. this year I have been close to my friends.. more than ever. Probably because I have been more social? Hmph.
On Thursday, I'm going to Los Angeles, and on Friday, I'm going to..
Did I ever mention that Disneyland is like my second home? Been there over 30 times, no joke. I know all (most) of the Disneyland/California Adventure secrets and I know of the rides and where they are at..
I'm just OBSESSED with Disney. Like, obsessed like, obsessed.
Anyways, so Disneyland, then I'm going home on Sunday and gonna hang out with my friends a lot!
Cause they miss me as much as I miss them.. We are going to have all-nighters and scary movie marathons. :)
Can't wait..
ah, omg
Can't wait..