My name is Miranda Perez and I'm a sophomore at Tokay High.
I enjoy photography and reading a lot. My other hobbies include writing, PhotoShop, and.. don't laugh..karaoke. (shh!!) I'm a huge fan of Disney & Pixar Animation Studios. [I plan to.. somehow.. get into that building..]
I have a little sister, Audrey.. (which is referred as "Odd") and two twin toddler brothers, James and Charles.
I have a Boxer puppy, Buster.. and a young feline cat, Sammy.
I also have a secret talent of wiggling my ears! :D
Hahaha.. that was kind of random, huh? If yes, good!
I always wanted to write my own book but I always stop writing within a week. :P
So, from inspiration (my books) I decided to write a blog!
It always seemed fun to do!
Like on that movie, Julie & Julia.. how the average wife, Julie Powell, decided to write an everyday blog of her cooking.. every single recipe in a book of Julia Child.
Also from various teen books I read that were written to be read as blog posts.
But you know... A funny thought is... " If the author is posting an entrie everyday about him/her doing stuff... arent they just sitting at the computer the whole time?"
Same thing as Twitter! someone says "Doing cartwheels while drinking a strawberry milkshake!" They aren't doing the cartwheel and posting the status at the same time... they are just sitting there at the computer talking about what they just did, right? Gross and weird thought... who would drink a milkshake and do a cartwheel at the same time? Do not attempt at home....unless you want a huge mess on your floor.